HUAWEI WATCH 2 - Nowoczesny Smartwatch Prosto z MWC 2017

December 20, 2019

HUAWEI WATCH 2 - Nowoczesny Smartwatch Prosto z MWC 2017. 3D printed Huawei watch 2 sport charging dock

HUAWEI WATCH 2 - Nowoczesny Smartwatch Prosto z MWC 2017 video duration 2 Minute(s) 42 Second(s), published by VideoTesty on 04 03 2017 - 10:57:42.

Dziękujemy ▻ ▽ CENA Huawei WATCH ▻ Huawei na MWC .... Google lanceerde onlangs Android Wear 2.0 en één van de eerste smartwatches die gebruik maakt van dit nieuwe besturingssysteem is de Huawei Watch 2.

Apple Watch 2 2
Samsung Gear S3 3
LG Watch Style 4
LG Watch Sport 5
Asus ZenWatch 3 6
Huawei Watch 2 7
Moto 360 (2nd Gen) 8
Apple Watch 9.. BARCELONA, SPAIN—We're just getting started at Mobile World Congress 2017, and the latest new gadget revealed is the Huawei Watch 2
Huawei's flagship .... more details for this can be found here, how to make and even if you can't be bothered to make one, how to get in contact and I will be able to send one out.

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Huawei na MWC 2017 zaprezentował kolejną generację swoich smartwatchy. Na targach mieliśmy prócz Huawei P10 i P10 Plus szanse zobaczyć smartwatche Huawei Watch 2 w wersji z Bluetooth, z Bluetooth i 4G oraz Classic. 
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Huawei Watch 2 i wersja Classic napędzane są przez Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 i działają na systemie Android Wear 2.0. Oba posiadają 1,2 calowe Amoledy o rozdzielczości 390 na 390 pikseli z 768 MB Ram i 4 GBpamięci wewnętrznej. Akumulatory 420 mAh mają zapewnić działanie zegarków nawet na 25 dni działania, jednak przy korzystaniu z GPS czy innych wymagających funkcji co najmniej na 10 godzin.

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Huawei Watch 2 hands-on—This feels like a last-gen smartwatch

BARCELONA, SPAIN—We're just getting started at Mobile World Congress 2017, and the latest new gadget revealed is the Huawei Watch 2
Huawei's flagship ...

3D printed Huawei watch 2 sport charging dock

3D printed Huawei watch 2 sport charging dock

more details for this can be found here, how to make and even if you can't be bothered to make one, how to get in contact and I will be able to send one out.

Huawei Watch 2 smartwatch review - Hardware.Info TV (4K UHD)

Huawei Watch 2 smartwatch review - Hardware.Info TV (4K UHD)

Google lanceerde onlangs Android Wear 2.0 en één van de eerste smartwatches die gebruik maakt van dit nieuwe besturingssysteem is de Huawei Watch 2.

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LG Watch Style 4
LG Watch Sport 5
Asus ZenWatch 3 6
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Moto 360 (2nd Gen) 8
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