KOSPET OPTIMUS PRO 4G Android 7.1.1 IP67 Waterproof Dual Processor Smartwatch: Unboxing and 1st Look

February 14, 2020

KOSPET OPTIMUS PRO 4G Android 7.1.1 IP67 Waterproof Dual Processor Smartwatch: Unboxing and 1st Look. ✅ Best Smartwatch 2019 ▶️ Android & iPhone 💰 Buying Guide

KOSPET OPTIMUS PRO 4G Android 7.1.1 IP67 Waterproof Dual Processor Smartwatch: Unboxing and 1st Look video duration 1 Hour(s) 21 Minute(s) 14 Second(s), published by SmartWatch Ticks on 01 06 2019 - 04:00:04.

Kospet Optimus Pro Buying link (Banggood): https://bit.ly/2Ml1vKL ( Coupon Code: BGUS001 Price: $155.99 Exp: Auguest 15th, 2019 ) Explore more Banggood .... 00:05 - Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS,40mm) - https://ebay.to/2IbOSfN 00:20 - Samsung Gear S3 Classic Smartwatch (Bluetooth),SM-R770NZSAXAR ...

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Kospet Optimus Pro Buying link (Banggood): https://bit.ly/2Ml1vKL  ( Coupon Code: BGUS001 Price: $155.99 Exp: Auguest 15th, 2019 )
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This Kospet Optimus Pro smartwatch has been provided by Kospet and Banggood for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Kospet and Banggood for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this Kospet Optimus Pro smartwatch, please use the link listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!

Tethering app:
WiiWatch2 - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weitetech.WiiWatchPro
Special WiiWatch 2 tutorial Video: https://tinyurl.com/wiiwatch2
Initial Android Smartwatch Setup Guide: https://youtu.be/wcHD0cahLFA

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You have seen the Kospet HOPE line of smartwatches. Today we introduce you to the new Optimus Pro Dual Processor Android 7.1.1 smartwatch. The two processors allow this watch to function as a fully capable Android smartwatch or a low energy smart Bracelet (with three screens for time, fitness, and continuous heart rate. The Pro version differs from the basic Kospet Optimus smartwatch by having 3GB RAM instead of 2GB and 32GB of storage rather than 16GB.

Here is how they are handling Ambient mode: In Android Smartwatch Mode there is an “Always Time” switch in Settings-Display. When the screen goes off, the display switches on again to a black and white analog display like the earlier Android 7.1.1 watches. When the watch is switched to Bracelet Mode, there are three screens. The first one, the time display, goes off after 1 to 2 seconds but comes back on with twist the wrist. The other two screens are always on. However, there is a setting on the Long Standby app page for “Always Time” hidden behind a settings gear a the top of the screen. If that is turned on BEFORE activating the app to switch to Bracelet Mode, then all three screens stay on all the time, no matter which one is selected. All other functions of this watch appear to be similar to Android 7.1.1 watches we have reviewed in the past.

COMING SOON: Comparison video of Kospet Optimus Pro, Zeblaze Thor 5 and Lemfo LEM9! Be sure to subscribe to find out when it is published!

See the RASC full review of this Hope watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=278JSVqgHbo and check their YouTube page for a review of the Optimus watches.

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SMARTWATCH RESOURCE CENTER: Compare Android watch features and specs, look up the appropriate tethering app for many different watches, check out various recommended apps for Android smartwatches, see common Android watch FAQs, and more. Visit the updated DTNO.1 Sponsored “Smartwatch Resource Center” here: tinyurl.com/AndroidWatches
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