Netronix E Ink Smartwatch

April 02, 2019

Netronix E Ink Smartwatch. Gligo Watch One smartwatch like MyKronoz ZeTime but with eInk

Netronix E Ink Smartwatch video duration 5 Minute(s) 18 Second(s), published by Charbax on 12 07 2014 - 12:57:37.

Netronix is showing their upcoming new flexible E Ink Smartwatch design, using the E Ink display means the display remains always-on, and it has Bluetooth 4.0 I due nuovi dispositivi di Sony svelati ad IFA 2018 si allontanano dal mondo della tecnologia tradizionale e pensano al mondo della moda, anticipandone .

The Gligo watch two is a E Ink smartwatch
The E Ink display is segmented and there are analog hands for telling time
The smartwatch can provide notifications, GliGo Watch One: Expand the description for MORE information and links Segui Notebook Italia per essere informato in anteprima su fiere ed eventi e sugli ultimi tablet, computer portatili, smartphone, wearable e mini-PC Facebook: .

Netronix is showing their upcoming new flexible E Ink Smartwatch design, using the E Ink display means the display remains always-on, and it has Bluetooth 4.0 features with Android 4.4 and iOS7, 77grams, 4-6 days battery life, the price can be around $70-$80. Netronix is a Taiwan based design house, they deliver E Ink based ARM Powered devices for customers that buy bulk and brand it.

Other Video about Netronix E Ink Smartwatch:

Gligo Watch One: A Smartwatch with Kindle-Like E-Ink Screen - Unboxing & Review

Gligo Watch One: A Smartwatch with Kindle-Like E-Ink Screen - Unboxing & Review

GliGo Watch One: Expand the description for MORE information and links .

Gligo Watch One smartwatch like MyKronoz ZeTime but with eInk

Gligo Watch One smartwatch like MyKronoz ZeTime but with eInk

Segui Notebook Italia per essere informato in anteprima su fiere ed eventi e sugli ultimi tablet, computer portatili, smartphone, wearable e mini-PC Facebook: .

Lo smartwatch e-ink di Sony e le scarpe realizzate in collaborazione con New Balance

Lo smartwatch e-ink di Sony e le scarpe realizzate in collaborazione con New Balance

I due nuovi dispositivi di Sony svelati ad IFA 2018 si allontanano dal mondo della tecnologia tradizionale e pensano al mondo della moda, anticipandone .

Pertie Gligo E Ink Smartwatch

Pertie Gligo E Ink Smartwatch

The Gligo watch two is a E Ink smartwatch
The E Ink display is segmented and there are analog hands for telling time
The smartwatch can provide notifications, .

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