ZEBLAZE VIBE 3S Absolute Toughness 5ATM Waterproof Smartwatch: One Minute Overview. Membandingkan Smartwatch EX16 Bluetooth 4.0 5ATM Tahan Air IP67 Jam Pintar
ZEBLAZE VIBE 3S Absolute Toughness 5ATM Waterproof Smartwatch: One Minute Overview video duration 1 Minute(s) 7 Second(s), published by SmartWatch Ticks on 22 08 2019 - 16:15:00.
ZEBLAZE VIBE 3S Official Buying link (Aliexpress): http://bit.ly/2M9QTN7 ZEBLAZE VIBE 3S Buying link (Banggood): https://bit.ly/2Mu5jsr ( $18.99 coupon code: .... Luxury Watches Best Seller on ES/DE In Stock Huawei Honor Smart Watch Magic Outdoor GPS Smart Watch Men 5ATM Waterproof 1.2" AMOLED Screen ...
Banggood Buying Link: https://bit.ly/2JyCWq3 (Discount Code: BGP10 Price: $18.99 Exp: 2019-08-15) *Gearbest Buying Link: .... Banggood Buying Link: https://bit.ly/2JyCWq3 (Discount Code: BGP10 Price: $18.99 Exp: 2019-08-15) *Gearbest Buying Link: .... Buy : http://bit.ly/2SKGFne Membeli Instan ini Harga Perbandingan Fitur utama: * Jenis layar: FSTN LCD full layar pandang * Ukuran Layar: 1.12 layar melingkar ...
ZEBLAZE VIBE 3S Official Buying link (Aliexpress): http://bit.ly/2M9QTN7
ZEBLAZE VIBE 3S Buying link (Banggood): https://bit.ly/2Mu5jsr ( $18.99 coupon code: BGVIBE3S )
Learn more about about Zeblaze: https://www.facebook.com/zeblazecam and zeblaze.com
This VIBE 3S smartwatch has been provided by ZEBLAZE and supported by Banggood for review. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to ZEBLAZE and Banggood for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this VIBE 3S smartwatch, please use the links listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
Tethering app:
Comfit - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.runChina.ComfitPro
Absolute Toughness is the way Zeblaze describes their newest VIBE mode, the 3S. It uses the familiar outdoor visible style of black and white screen with many more display elements than we have seen on their earlier VIBE watches. This video breaks them down for you in groups and walks through which buttons to push to bring up which readings on the watch.
See the full review of the VIBE 3S here: https://youtu.be/DKXL-TUIB6w
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