Never Charge Your Smartwatch again! Matrix PowerWatch X Review

August 03, 2019

Never Charge Your Smartwatch again! Matrix PowerWatch X Review. Smartwatch Powered by You - MATRIX PowerWatch 2

Never Charge Your Smartwatch again! Matrix PowerWatch X Review video duration 12 Minute(s) 9 Second(s), published by Tech4All on 01 01 2019 - 12:15:00.

Matrix PowerWatch X: Expand the description for MORE information and links .... Ya es posible tener un SmartWatch con batería infinita, un reloj del que nunca tendrás que preocuparte de cargarlo
Saldrá en Junio de este año, por un precio ...

Unboxing, setup and full tour of the Matrix Powerwatch X, a smartwatch and fitness tracker powered by your body heat
Forget about chargers and cables, the .... An early prototype of PowerWatch 2 showing some basic features.. Buy from

✔️ Matrix PowerWatch X:

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#powerwatch #powerwatchx #smartwatch

A smartwatch that you never have to charge! The Powerwatch x is the latest joining this line.

No other way … we have to start with the essence – which is indeed the battery life. And this is perhaps the main reason to get this watch – basically the battery life is close to infinity. It uses a thermoelectric generator to produce electricity, and store it onto a very small battery – which capacity is of course not disclosed. Every process in this watch is optimized for consuming a minor amount of electricity, and as long as you wear it on your hand, it will run. The energy is being produced by the difference of the temperature between your skin and the top of the watch case. The generated power quantity is extremely low, but enough to keep a smartwatch up and running, and even for this single fact it is totally worth supporting this kind of tech.
My second favorite part – the display. Monochromic display, feels like this is the right way to go for watches at this very moment. Especially those of them that are good to be used outdoors! You know that visibility is the main issue with AMOLED and LED-based display. This monochromic transflective solution is visible in day time, and the degree of visibility doesn’t depend on the weather conditions. Well – at least if it is not complete darkness. Even if that’s the case – Matrix have you covered – there is back-light on the watch by long pressing the mode key.
They say it should be safe to swim with the watch even at 200-meters pressure. This means that the build quality is outstanding, and you can indeed feel this by just touching the watch – metal body, which looks… big, and durable, and somewhat aggressive. By the way – if the whole thing looks like a small heatsink
Let's check the Software side: this is where the first big disadvantage kicks in – Getting a device “named smartwatch” usually raises the expectations – and we somehow take it for granted these devices to measure heartrate, analyze the training efficiency, run some reminders and alarms and show us our messages. Powerwatch X is smart, but … not that smart. It is fair to say that this is where the X model is different to the original Powerwatch – it supports notifications, although not in a great way yet.
We don’t actually get any sports modes, and the only fitness values measured are the calories and approximation of the taken distance. This distance measurement is very random though and is based on the accelerometer, because – yes – it can count the steps too. There is no GPS and maybe the lack of GPS and heart rate sensor will be my main reasons to sometimes choosing another one over the Powerwatch X. The whole software both inside the watch and outside it – I mean the smartphone app – they seem to be too poor on features. Maybe too conservative, because most likely the lack of some functions is clearly a consequence of the desire to guarantee flawless battery operation.

To buy it or not? If that's the question - then do so! Sure – this watch probably doesn’t deserve to be called smart, but the whole technology used, the idea of our own body producing and supplying the energy needed for this device’s operation deserves to be appreciated! Because the scientists staying behind this tech are among the people that are changing the future and maintaining the progress of the human beings.

➡️ Product links & Information ◕‿◕ :

✔️ Matrix PowerWatch X:
✔️ BEST Smartwatch deals:

🎵 Music used in this video:

Ikson - Fresh
Ikson - Horizon
TheDiabolicalWaffle - Kaleidoscope


٩(-̮̮̃•̃) ۶

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